Friday, November 11, 2011


Do you ever hear a song and you get a wave of memories and feelings from listening to it? I get that when I listen to this song. It brings me back to good old Summer 2009. This was the best summer full of late nights, no summer school, camping trips, St. George trips, New York, chick flicks, Donner Park, side walk chalk, four square, junk food, and fun. So much fun. Mostly it makes me miss 3 certain girls that I pretty much spent every day with. This was the summer we made a list of activities and we tried to do something from it everyday. Basically we're all grown up now and this summer was one of our last hurrahs. Don't get me wrong, we had fun after this summer, but I will always remember this as one of my favorites. Here's to a feeling of nostalgia of the most carefree summer.

One of my favorite memories. We lost the key to the St. George house at 11pm at the park with no wallets, no cell phones, and no car. LUCKILY Jess found it after we searched for 15 minutes. I tackle hugged her when she found it, and we all laid on the ground for quite a while after feeling SO relieved. Then we took this picture.

The Fray comes out with a new album, "Scars and Stories" on February 7, 2012. I can't wait to make more unforgettable memories.

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